02 July 2005
PsyWar.Org now has an RSS news feed!
25 June 2005
Our thanks go out to William Nett for supplying these handouts which were distributed by British PSYOPs in and around al-Basrah, Iraq. The leaflets perform a Civil Affairs role helping to build trust between the Iraqi people and the Multi-National forces by showing that the Coalition troops are there to help Iraq to a better and brighter future, whereas the terrorists just offer chaos and death. |
19 May 2005
11 May 2005
We are proud to announce the upcoming release
of M. E. Roberts’ new book Villages of the Moon: Psychological Operations
in Southern Afghanistan. ( ISBN 1-4137-5771-5, SRP $19.95)
Villages of the Moon offers a unique perspective into the challenging role
of a U.S. Army Psychological Operations Team working in Afghanistan after
the collapse of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. From tiny firebases scattered
along hundreds of desolate miles of “moonlike” territory, PSYOP teams spread information through face-to-face communication, radios, and printed
products which were passed out to local civilians. In tandem with Special
Forces, far from the security of an American military base, these small
self-contained units traveled the back roads and trails of the Afghan
countryside to assess the needs of the people, help encourage local
leaders, and inform people of the changes coming about in the country.
This is the story of how those operations were carried out in one small
area on a global field of battle.
For more details see:
08 May 2005
Today marks the 60th anniversary of VE-Day. This leaflet newspaper announcing "PEACE" was dropped over Germany by the Psychological Warfare Division of SHAEF . The SHAEF newspaper was printed in four languages, German, French, Polish, and English and was intended to give news to displaced people in Europe including foreign workers and captured Allied Prisoners of War. For more information please see here. |
23 April 2005
Happy St. George's Day to our English visitors! The aerial propaganda leaflet database has been updated including this WWII German propaganda leaflet that warns British soldiers about the dangers of Bolshevism taking over Europe.
10 April 2005
Vail Valley Armed Forces Week - A Charity Event Benefiting U.S. Troops & Veterans
25 March 2005
A Happy Easter to everyone! The Psychological Operations Photograph Library has been updated with quite a few new images. One shows British soldiers handing out the propaganda leaflet added to the propaganda leaflet database a few days ago.
22 March 2005
The propaganda leaflet database has been updated with several British propaganda leaflets produced by the 15 (UK) PSYOPS Group in Iraq in November 2004.
12 March 2005
More Psychological warfare photos added. Please remember to sign the Guest Book if you have any comments?
11 March 2005
A warm welcome to all our new visitors! PsyWar.Org was recently blogged which has led to a rapid increase in traffic to the site. If you are one of those who have just found this site, I hope you enjoy your visit here and find it entertaining as well as educational. Please keep coming back. All these new visitors have impacted the site a little and has had to be shut down for a few hours because of exceeding bandwidth limits. I'm sure in a day or two things will return to normal with 100% uptime of the propaganda leaflet database and the rest of the psychological warfare site.
Please remember that PsyWar.Org is a self-financed labour of love, so any donations to help to keep it running are greatly appreciated. Just a dollar a year from a visitor would do the trick!
05 March 2005
The PSYOP Photograph library and links page have both been updated.
03 March 2005
al-Qaida continues to use the internet as part of its psychological operations campaign - see here: New Online Magazine Urges Jihad in Iraq. For an interesting insight to the anti-American and anti-English propaganda broadcast on Iranian television see here: MEMRI TV.
25 February 2005
The aerial propaganda leaflet database has had various updates over the last month.
05 January 2005
Finally, I've added some Operation Desert Storm - Gulf War I - psychological operations propaganda leaflets to the aerial propaganda leaflet database. Also propaganda leaflets from the 1998 Operation Desert Fox, involving air strikes ordered by President Clinton after Saddam prohibited Weapons Inspectors from carrying out their work in Iraq .
02 January 2005
I'd like to wish all my visitors best wishes for 2005. The aerial propaganda leaflet database has been updated with some PSYOP leaflets from Operation Uphold Democracy, the US intervention in Haiti in 1994.
26 November 2004
I've listed a few WWII propaganda leaflets on eBay, including PWE/SOE forged ration coupons. Take a look and make a bid!
15 November 2004
The British Ministry of Defence website have added information about the 15 (UK) Psychological Operations Group detailing their work with a brief history of British PSYOP.
6 November 2004
The Aerial Propaganda Leaflet Database has been updated with propaganda leaflets from Operation Just Cause, the US intervention in Panama in 1989.
19 October 2004
Added a new article about the WWII multi-language S.H.A.E.F. newspaper for displaced persons, parachute-dropped in Germany in 1945. Also minor updates to the PSYOP Glossary.
15 October 2004
The PSYOP Photograph Database has been updated and includes high-resolution photographs taken on board US Naval vessel USS Constellation (CV 64), showing PSYOP propaganda leaflet production prior to commencement of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
10 October 2004
Aerial Propaganda leaflet database updated, completing details on the SHAEF newspaper series plus new ZG series propaganda leaflets.
12 September 2004
Thought for today:
Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth and easy, or that anyone who embarks on the strange voyage can measure the tides and hurricanes he will encounter. The statesman who yields to war fever must realize that once the signal is given, he is no longer the master of policy but the slave of unforeseeable and uncontrollable events.
Sir Winston Churchill
09 September 2004
Propaganda leaflet database updated including a couple of examples of the Russian propaganda newssheet for German troops, FRONT-ILLUSTRIERTE.
04 September 2004
Various updates to the Psychological Operations Glossary and Aerial Propaganda database.
29 August 2004
The PSYOPs Photos section has been updated as well as some new items in the aerial propaganda leaflet database, including Japanese propaganda leaflets for Allied troops and Soviet propaganda leaflets for Germany.